Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Vacation! What a Trip Home!

We had a great time visiting family and friends in PA! It was Connor's first official vacation! On the way up there, he stayed in a hotel (with 2 puppies) for the first time. I was amazed that Connor continued to sleep through the night during the whole trip...even at the hotel and Grandma's house!

On Saturday, my mom had a "Meet Connor" Drop In Party. It was sooo great to share Connor with family and friends. It was especially wonderful to see everyone without having to drive all over once we were up there. All the excitement wore Connor out!

Sunday was a great day also....we went to church with my parents. They go to the same kind of church that we go to (Independent Fundemental Baptist) and it's always great to visit there! Sunday afternoon, mom and I were lazy around the house with Connor while the men (Dad, Bobby, and my brother, Jake) hung out. After church Sunday night, we enjoyed brownies and ice cream..........yum!!!!!!

We began our journey home around 6am on Monday and did not get home until 10pm!!!!! We were having a great trip. Making great time and Connor was an angel. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch so Connor could have some time out of his carseat. Later in the afternoon, I was sleeping and woke up due to a funny noise. I told Bobby I thought something was wrong with the truck. He said he thought it was just the uneven pavement. Then, someone drove up beside us and started yelling that our truck was on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We pulled off at an exit and so did this man. Bobby, myself, and Connor all got out of the truck and the guy used an extinguisher he had to put out the fire. A wheel bearing broke and the spindle melted. (Not that that means anything to me! LOL) We managed to get the truck to a gas station 1/10th of a mile away. It was then towed to a Dodge dealership and my sister in law came and picked us up. We were a little over 2 and 1/2 hours from home. It will cost $1900 in repairs!!!! The original quote was $3500, but Bobby convinced them to use used parts from a salvage yard. Hopefully we will be able to get the truck back on Friday.

So needless to say, it was a very eventful vacation!!! OH and when we got home, we saw that our cat had kittens in the basket of Connor's stroller! haha One had died and the whole house reaked! But that's all under control now!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meet the New Kids!

As you've probably guessed, we have been so busy here. All are doing well...everyone is growing...bunnies, puppies, and Connor. Connor now weighs 10 pounds 13 oz and is finally 23 and 1/2 inches long. He's 3 months now! Well, this week, a big change has taken place. I decided to sell all of my pygmy goats. After a few emails, all five were sold within 2 days...not too shabby. Why you may ask? Well, the pygmy goats are definitely not bread winners for us. Our registered goats sell for more and it seems that they just aren't selling around here. And they really don't do anything but look cute and eat! haha We've decided to try our hand at a milk goat. I am purchasing a registered Nubian Doe and will be getting a free Nubian buck. She is 5 months old and he is 4 months old. I still haven't named them and plan to pick them up on Saturday. After she has a baby, I plan to continue milking her. We will be drinking her milk, uses it to raise puppies, and hopefully making goat milk soap. In the photos above, the brown one is the girl. The white one is the boy. I'll post their names when I decide.