Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Connor is 6 Months Old Today!

It is so hard to believe that our little monkey is 6 months old today! He sure doesn't look it! haha His Grandma says he looks like a 4 month old. Yes, he's still a munchkin but that's okay! At least he doesn't outgrow clothing quickly!

He is the absolute joy of our lives! Keeps us busy but yet so entertained! He loves to lay on the floor with his daddy, suck his thumb while he lays his head on my chest, and have a "conversation" wtih his Grandpa and Uncle Jake. He also enjoys sitting in his saucer watching Grandma in the kitchen and laughs his head off at his Auntie Tiff. He rolls all over, both back to belly and belly to back. He'll often just keep rolling until he gets where he wants to. He loves to grab at objects. Most recently he's started grabbing faces and grabbing the pew in front of him in church.

Connor is still nursing but has also started eating foods. So far he's eating cereal, greenbeans, squash, carrots, and his favorite...........sweet potatoes! He rarely naps during the day but does sleep through the night. In fact, last night he slept from 7:30-7:00.
He loves watching his "Baby Einstein" dvd. Often, that dvd saves the day when Connor is grumpy! Connor also enjoys being at the barn with us kicked back in his stroller. And he loves petting or should I say grabbing the puppies!
It's amazing to see him learn new things each day. And it's so much fun to watch is personality develop!

Happy Birthday, Little Monkey! We love you!


farmercrystal said...

I liked the new pictures...especially the family portrait!
Your friend, Crystal

Tabitha said...

Thanks, Crystal!