Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We Are Moved... A Much Needed Update

Hi everyone! Well, we are finally in PA! And I have some access to high speed internet so I thought I'd catch everyone up! Things are going well. There's a lot to update so I thought I'd cover it in categories:

The House: We are currently living with my parents. My dad still needs to close on Grandpa's property and we need to get some income before moving out. We are also in the process of cleaning Grandpa's house and would like to paint some rooms before moving in.

Job: Bobby starts a job tonight on 2nd shift at a Refridgeration company. It's not exactly what he is hoping for but it will be some income until he finds something better. He had an interview this morning for a first shift position very very close to home that pays more. We are praying that that job comes through.

Animals: The goats, sheep, rabbits, dogs, and puppies have settled in well. The goats and sheep do not know how to act with all the green grass here! They love it. Poor things didn't have pasture in SC due to the drought. The rabbits probably don't even realized they moved! LOL The dogs are staying warm in the barn and being let out to run through the fields. They love that part too! The puppies love to follow us around the barn. They will be ready for their new homes on Oct. 16th. You can see them at

Connor: Connor is doing well. He's slowly growing. He is 5 and 1/2 months old and weighs 13 pounds 4 ounces and is only 25 and 1/4 inches long. He's still a munchkin. He has had a rough time the last week because he's got a cold and cough. We met his new pediatrician yesterday and she assured us that it's "just a cold". At least it's nothing more serious.

I am glad to be back in PA but miss SC! We stay busy here though between cleaning the new house and taking care of animals. Dad has named me "farm manager" and in exchange is purchasing all of our feed for us. Not a bad deal until I'm bottle feeding lambs in the dead of winter! :) We went to a sheep sale with mom and dad last weekend and dad added two more sheep to the flock. We are now up to 17! One is a ram but if the rest all have twins or more we will have at least 32 lambs born this season! Fun fun!

I will post our new family portrait as soon as I can!

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